Self-Service Laundry

Do your laundry in style and FAST – using our Express Washers

“Large washers and dryers, bonus dollars and points. Go ahead load up 5 or 10 washers. Finish a week’s worth of laundry in under two hours”

All new washers and dryers and fully attended

Washers and Dryers of all sizes:

- Nine 8 load Machines
- Four 6 load Machines
- Five 5 load Machines
- Sixteen 3 load Machines
- Fifteen 2 load Machines
- Forty-six 30 lb. dryer pockets
- Four 80 lb. dryer pockets

Wash2Win program

With our Wash2Win program you will receive points for every wash, when you reach 200 points you win $2.00 in added value to your laundry card.

Each time you place $20.00 on your laundry card, receive a bonus of 10% added value of $2.00, same as getting a 10% discount of all your washing.

We’re Green

We use only the most modern industry leading commercial laundry equipment that leave your clothes cleaner and save you time.